
Useful links:

General Rules about Acceleration

Acceleration Credits for Advanced Work at Yale

Award of Acceleration Credit Based on Advanced Placement Test Scores

Acceleration Policy

Summary of Some Important Acceleration Rules

Eligibility for Acceleration

Table of Acceleration Credit

Considering Acceleration:

If you are considering acceleration, talk to your residential college dean. Also, be sure to read the full text of the section in the YCPS on acceleration policies. Note especially the rules on the minimum number of course credits and acceleration credits required for eligibility to accelerate. Petitions to accelerate are available in hard copy only at the residential college dean’s office.

You may accelerate in one of two ways: (1) by the early accumulation of 36 course credits earned at Yale, or (2) by the use of acceleration credits. An acceleration credit is the equivalent of one course credit and is awarded either on the basis of Advanced Placement (or equivalent) test scores earned in secondary school or on the basis of advanced work completed in your freshman year at Yale.

If you plan to accelerate and choose to participate in a year or term abroad for Yale course credit during spring term of your sophomore year, or one or both terms of your junior year, you may certainly do so. Again, talk to your residential college dean.