The Yale College First-Year Summer Research Fellowship in the Sciences & Engineering program provides support for a summer research experience under the supervision of a Yale faculty member. Applicants are expected to have laid an appropriate foundation through their coursework and to present a well-developed proposal for a research project with substantial pedagogic and scholarly merit.
Award recipients will perform research during the summer and participate in the Entering Summer Research workshops. They may also take part in summer and academic year activities of the First-Year Summer Research Fellowship program, such as journal clubs, seminars, symposia and dinners.
Stipend support of $5,000 is normally granted for a full-time, 10-week summer research experience. Currently enrolled first-years proposing research in the natural sciences, engineering, mathematics and computer science are eligible to apply. Research must be supervised by a member of the Yale faculty (including the Graduate and Professional Schools), and will normally be conducted at Yale.
Eligible: first-year students
*NOTE: If you applied for and received the Yale College First-Year Fellowship last summer, you are not eligible to apply again. Please apply for the Yale College Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship.