Other Resources for My Advisees

Some common situations in which Yale students ask their college advisers for advice — and the Yale resources and advisers to help them  — include:

·      Course selection: Students may consult advisors to help them choose the right classes that align with their academic and career goals. Advisors may provide insights into course difficulty, prerequisites, and how they fit into the student’s overall curriculum.

College advisers, FroCos, DUSsresidential college deans, individual faculty members

·      Academic performance: If a student is struggling academically or facing challenges with specific subjects, they may seek guidance on study strategies, time management, or tutoring resources.

College advisers, FroCos, residential college deans, individual faculty members, Poorvu CenterAcademic Strategies ProgramWriting Center (includes residential college writing tutors and drop-in writing help), writing tutors and Hu/So/STEM tutors), Center for Language Study: language tutors

·      Major and career decisions: Many first-years and sophomores are uncertain about their major or future career paths. Advisors may offer information about different majors, career prospects, and how to align academic interests with career goals.

DUSs, upperlevel majors, Office of Career StrategyOffice of Fellowships and FundingHealth Professions Advisory Program, Major Roadmaps

·      Graduation requirements: Understanding degree requirements and making sure they are on track to graduate on time is crucial. Students may turn to advisors to ensure they are meeting all the necessary criteria for their degree.

Residential college deansDegree Audit

·      Internships and job opportunities: Seeking advice on finding internships or job opportunities relevant to their field of study is common among college students. Advisors may guide them on job search strategies and resume building.

Office of Career StrategyOffice of Fellowships and Funding

·      Study abroad opportunities: For students interested in studying abroad, advisors may provide information about available programs, application processes, and academic considerations.

Study Abroad Office

·      Academic policies and procedures: College policies and procedures may be confusing at times. Students may ask advisors for clarification on matters like grading policies, add/drop deadlines, and withdrawal processes.

Residential college deansUniversity Registrar’s OfficeAcademic Regulations

·      Personal issues affecting academics: Sometimes, personal challenges impact a student’s academic performance. In such cases, students may seek guidance from advisors on managing stress, mental health resources, or temporary academic accommodations.

Yale College Community Care (YC3), SHARETitle IXMental Health & Counseling, Student Accessibility ServicesChaplain’s Office

·      Research and independent studies: Students interested in research or independent study opportunities may turn to advisors for guidance on finding mentors, crafting research proposals, and navigating the approval process.

·      Office of Career StrategyOffice of Fellowships and Fundingresidential college deans (for college-based funding opportunities), Student Employment Office, individual faculty members,

·      Grad school or post-graduate planning: If a student is considering graduate school or other post-graduate options, advisors may offer information on application procedures, entrance exams, and potential career paths.

Office of Career StrategyOffice of Fellowships and FundingHealth Professions Advisory Program

·      Financial aid and scholarships: Advisors may assist students in navigating financial aid options, explaining scholarship opportunities, and addressing concerns related to tuition and expenses.

Undergraduate Financial Aid Office, Safety Net, FGLI Community InitiativeOffice of Fellowships and Funding,residential college deans