Fall Conversation Starters for College Advisers

Fall Term

For College Advisers

Background Info

  • Tell me something about your hometown?
  • Please describe your high school for me.
  • How did COVID affect your high school experience? Did you have periods of remote learning?
  • How did you spend your summer?
  • Reflecting back on your high school experience, what stands out?  What went well?  What would you have done differently? 
  • Which course(s) in high school did you look forward to attending, and why? Which course(s) were your least favorites, and why?
  • What are your goals for this term? 
  • Thinking (way) ahead, where do you see yourself in four years?
  • What do you see yourself doing after graduation?
  • How do you plan to approach fall course selection?  
  • Will you participate in extra-curricular activities?  
  • Are you satisfied with your room assignment?  Your suitemates?
  • Are you coming to Yale with ideas for a possible major?
  • How do you think your Yale schedule will look different from your high school schedule?
  • What kind of course have you always wanted to take but, so far, never had the chance to?
  • Do you understand how course selection works?
  • Have you attended any courses already?  If yes, what was your reaction?
  • Do you need my help in explaining how faculty office hours work, how to contact a DUS, or how to arrange tutoring?
  • Have you thought about your schedule overall?
    • Selecting a mix of large and small courses? 
    • Seminars and lectures? 
    • Different kinds of graded assignments with different due dates or mid-term exam dates?
    • Incorporating subjects beyond the usual high school math/science/English/language?

For Mid-semester

  • How are your courses going?  Which do you look forward to the most?  The least? Why?
  • Have you begun to make a personal connections with any of your professors?
  • Have you thought about doing research this summer? Study abroad during term-time or during the summer?
  • How is life in your residential college?
  • How do you spend your time outside of the classroom? Are you participating in any organized activities?