Majors and Concentrations that Require an Application, Review or Audition

Majors that require an application

Major Year/Term Applications


Please refer to the Architecture major homepage and the  Yale College Programs of Study section on Majors in Yale College for more information.

Fall and spring

Cognitive Science

Please refer to the Cognitive Science major application page and the  Yale College Programs of Study section on Majors in Yale College for more information.

Rolling applications

Global Affairs

Please refer to the Global Affairs major homepage and the  Yale College Programs of Study section on Majors in Yale College for more information.


Special Divisional Major

Please refer to Yale College Programs of Study for more information. Applications go to Committee on Honors and Academic Standing for review

Rolling applications, as per specifications

Majors with special requirements

Major Requirements


No official application for the major, but the prerequisites for acceptance into the major are ART 111, ART 114, at least two additional studio art courses, and the “sophomore review” (an evaluation of work from Yale studio art courses).


Journalism Initiative

Normally, students join the Yale Journalism Initiative in their sophomore or junior years, although exceptions may be made. Preference is given to Yale College students; however, students from the graduate and professional schools are also eligible.

The selection process begins with enrollment in the advanced journalism seminar, either in the fall or spring; students may find the application for this seminar on the Creative Writing home page. Acceptance into the seminar means preliminary acceptance as a Yale Journalism Scholar. Upon successful completion of the seminar, students must complete three further requirements to earn designation as Yale Journalism Scholars.

Additional information.

Writing Concentration

Application required in second term of junior year or first term of senior year.

Theater Studies

An audition is required for admission to THST 210, “Introduction to Performance Concepts.” THST 210 is a core requirement of the Theater Studies major, and the audition process allows the department to determine the appropriate number of sections to offer in a given year. Any student who auditions for THST 210 and has completed the course’s prerequisites (THST 110, 111) will gain admission.