For Advisers

Your Advisees’ Contact, Course Selection Info, and Other Info

All the “For Advisers” Topics in One Place (in alpha order and by topic)


Guidance for College Advisers

Guidance for College Advisers to First-Years

Guidance for College Advisers to Sophomores


Fall Checklist for College Advisers to First-Years

Fall Checklist for College Advisers to Sophomores

Spring Checklist for College Advisers to First-Years

Spring Checklist for College Advisers to Sophomores

Advising Resources on the Yale College Website


Where are my advisees’ names, grades, contact info, and other information?

Two Yale software systems, Degree Audit and Student Profile, allow you to check your advisees’ names, grades, contact info, and other information:

Degree Audit (especially useful is “Class History,” on your advisee’s individual YDA page, behind the three verticle dots, at top right) 

► If this Degree Audit link does not work, try a different browser or navigate directly to and log in with your CAS credentials. For tips on how to use Degree Audit, navigate to Degree Audit Advising Resources.

Student Profile (especially useful are “View My Advisee Listing,” on the Student Profile landing page, and Supplemental Advisee Information  and Gradeson your advisee’s individual Student Profile page)

► If this Student Profile link does not work, use a different browser or navigate to and scroll to “Student Profile Advising System.” For tips on how to use Student Profile, navigate to Navigating the Student Profile.

Where can I find course enrollment and and registration information?

See the University Registrar’s Office’s Registration Resources webpage for:

What other information should I have as a college adviser?

What is my role in reviewing my advisees’ course schedules?

In the fall, college advisers are expected to meet with their advisees in late August or early September — once, before the first day of classes, as part of an advising event organized by your residential college for its college advisers and first-year students, and once again in a one-on-one meeting before the end of add/drop period.

The main purposes of these meetings are to get to know your advisees, talk about their academic and personal goals, and discuss what courses they plan to take.

In the spring, college advisers are expected to meet with their advisees once in January, in a one-on-one meeting before the end of add/drop period. The purpose of the spring meeting is similar to the one above, but may involve more specifics as your advisees refine their goals and course selections.

Do I sign or approve my advisees’ course schedules?

No. College advisers neither sign nor approve their advisees’ course schedules. College advisers and their advisees are still expected to meet before the first day of classes (generally, in a meeting organized by their residential college before the first day of classes) and another time during add/drop period in the fall, and during add/drop period in the spring.

How and when do students “seal” or “submit” their course schedules?

Students neither “seal” nor “submit” their course schedules. Rather, they add courses to their Yale College registration worksheets in Yale Course Search, and that list of courses becomes final at the close of add/drop period. No further action is required of the student.

In sum, whatever courses remain on a student’s Yale Course Search registration worksheet at the close of add/drop period become the student’s de facto course schedule for that term.

N.B. Canvas worksheets are not official registration worksheets. Only Yale Course Search worksheets feed into the course registration system.

May students make changes to their course schedules after the close of add/drop period?

The online Course Change Notice form (available at University Registrar’s Office website) is the vehicle for students to submit course schedule changes after the close of add/drop period. The University Registrar’s Office may charges an processing fee.

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