What If … You’re Unavailable for a Term or Year, or during Course Selection Period, or to Sign Your Advisees’ Schedules by the Deadline?

Are you unavailable to advise for a term or for the year?

When you agreed to be a sophomore adviser, you may not have known your exact schedule for this year. If you discover last-minute that you are unable to advise because an unforeseen conflict (a sabbatical term or year, a leave, etc.), please alert your sophomore advisees immediately, so that they may make alternative arrangements, and notify their residential college dean(s) as well (Student Profile lists their residential college affiliation).

Are you unavailable to advise during advising or add/drop period?

Occasionally, an adviser is unavailable during advising or add/drop period because of an off-campus committment or unforeseen illness, but expects to be available for advising for the remainder of the term or year and wishes to continue advising.  If that applies to you, please contact your advisees’ residential college dean(s) immediately.  It’s not uncommon for the dean to take over advising duties short-term; there may also be other solutions that the dean may offer.

Are you unable to e-sign your advisees’ course schedules by the due date?

It’s not unusual for an adviser to have a pre-existing commitment that interferes with signing advisees’ schedules.  Emergencies or unforeseen illnesses may also arise.  If you find that you are unable to e-sign your advisees’ course schedules, contact your advisees’ residential college dean(s).  

  1. Your advisees turn in a photocopy of their schedules by the deadline in order to avoid the $50 fine and you sign their schedules the following day
  2. Your advisees scan and email you a pdf of their schedules and, if you’re able to scan and sign, you  then email the signed schedule to the residential college dean
  3. You advisees  email you the list of courses that they’ve selected and you email your approval directly to the dean by the deadline.  Your students then turn in their schedules by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the deadline without your signature, and then you meet with them shortly thereafter to sign a duplicate copy, which they then turn in as well.