1. Grades Before meeting with your sophomore advisees, consider checking their fall-term grades (available via Student Profile). You might open your conversations by asking them how they feel they did last term, keeping in mind that, for some students, a C in a challenging course is as welcome as an A for others. To get an idea of the evolution of your sophomore advisees’ thinking about academics, you might also ask them which course(s) they looked forward to in the past, and which course(s) didn’t turn out as expected, and why.
2. Language requirement Credit is awarded for L1 immediately upon successful completion of the course [prior to fall 2018, students were required to complete both L1 + L2 before credit was awarded for L1].
3. Course sequences Many courses, especially in STEM fields, are sequential in nature. Check with your advisees to make sure they are following the correct sequence. Refer any questions to the DUS of the relevant department.
STEM Students majoring in mathematics, engineering, or a science are expected to declare the major during sophomore year, preferably in the fall term; in fact, some STEM departments encourage prospective majors to declare the major in the first year.
Non-STEM Students majoring in most other fields must declare a major no later than the start of junior year. Once students declare a major, the DUS or designated departmental representative becomes those students’ academic adviser and signs their schedules.